They sold their property with Properstar: from Brazil to Portugal with Anderson

This is the third article in our series “They sold their property with Properstar”. We are going to Portugal again to tell you the story of Anderson and this atypical and international sale. From Rio to Porto, find out how our local teams were able to win the trust of this remote seller and successfully complete the sale of his apartment more than 7900 kilometers from his home! 

A special case 

The sale of this brand new 75m2 apartment, located in Porto in a very popular area, is a special and atypical case. Indeed, Anderson, the owner of this property, does not live in Portugal, but in Brazil, thousands of kilometers from Porto. He had bought this property to come and spend his holidays in Portugal. But in the meantime, his desires changed and he ultimately decided to buy an apartment in the Algarve region, which is further south and quieter. 


He  visited to our website and asked to be contacted by the Concierge Service to find this new property. A member of our team called him to identify his needs and put him in touch with our local teams when Anderson also explained to him that he wanted to sell a property on the side. 


From the first exchanges, the contact went very well with our team members located in Porto. Anderson was immediately very open with them. He placed complete confidence in them, from start to finish, including the advice he recieved, but also in the selection of local real estate agents, etc. 


Our team members had the expertise of selling their own apartments, so Anderson gave them carte blanche on everything. It was very easy to work with him since he was very cooperative. The owner has therefore completely put the sale of his apartment in our hands, without ever traveling to Portugal! 

Twists and turns that our team managed masterfully 

Although the relationship with the owner was idyllic, our Portuguese team still had to face some difficulties which were quickly resolved. Anderson gave us permission to do whatever we thought was best for the sale of his apartment. The whole sales process was done remotely, only by phone and email, without ever seeing the owner live. The signing of the sales mandate passed through his lawyer in Porto. Then our team chose the real estate agent for the sale of the property. 


After signing the sales mandate and choosing the ideal real estate agent for the sale of Anderson’s apartment, the property was put online on our real estate portals and a first buyer came forward very quickly. During the first visit, he loved the apartment and immediately made an offer to buy. A few days later, he made a second visit with his sister and following this counter-visit, he withdrew his offer. 


However, another buyer was soon found by the estate agent. But the process was not at all easy. Anderson had his attorney, the buyer had his, and both attorneys wanted to handle the sale transaction between themselves. The real estate agent no longer knew what was going on because he no longer had visibility on the sales process. It took a few emails and calls to manage the situation. In the end, the two lawyers  cooperated and the sale was able to go smoothly. 


Only two months passed between the time our team found the real estate agent and the sale of Anderson's apartment. Another mission accomplished for Properstar! 


Finally, here is what Anderson sent to our teams after the sale of his apartment in Porto: 

“First of all I would like to thank you and your colleague for the excellent job you have done regarding the sale of my apartment. 

 For information, I had been contacted by another real estate agency in Porto, but I preferred to work with you because I already had a commitment with you. In the end, I didn't make a profit on the sale, but I believe it was for the best. 

 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023 to all of you and the most important thing is that our friendship continues. » 



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